Conceptual Designs and illustrations

David has over 40+ years of experience with designing and started drawing as a young child. Working as a Lead Designer at Tivoli Too for over a decade - he created a lot of conceptual designs, sketches, and illustrations. On top of that, he has been a freelancer for over 40 years. He has worked on projects as big as water parks, children’s hospitals and theme parks - one of his favorite projects was for Great Wolf Lodge. Below you will see examples of work that he has done over the last 30+ years!

Experience + Clients.



Tivoli Too (2000-2014), LEAD ILLUSTRATOR + DESIGNER

-Ideation (Live drawing in meetings)

-Character Development

-Product Design

-Preparing designs for playgrounds, children’s hospitals, waterparks and more

-Developing ideas for in-house projects

-Worked closely with clients

-Sit in on meetings with clients to help create their desires projects / live drawing in meetings

Freelance sketching + illustrating for 40+ years 

Reelworks Animation, Animator (1983-1989, freelance with them into the 2000's)

Channel 5 Court Room Drawer (1985-1987)

Rowboat Animation, Animator (freelance with them 2015-2016)

Clients David has worked with:

-General Mills


-Warner Brothers

-Great Wolf Lodge (Full character development for them)

-Vail Ski Resort

-Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

-Carnival Cruise

-Hanna Barbera


-Many more!


Character Development + Interactive Pages